Thoughts on level design in Source and gaming in general

Sunday 6 March 2011

New Blog

I've undergone a bit of an online rebranding, so I have a new blog and youtube.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Some content!

I'm not dead! See, I made a house! I'll post some more shots soon.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Not another boring update

This blog is starting to feel like my neglected child. I do intend to continue it, but as usual the business of getting settled at uni (and a nasty bout of freshers flu) has taken it's toll on my free time. On the games front, I bought Left 4 Dead 2 for about £5 (thank you, Steam sales!) and so I've been experimenting in the authoring tools, as well as playing it, of course. It's amazing to see how far Source can go when you push it. Due to the aforementioned freshers flu I've spent today tucked up in bed reading Scott Pilgrim, and I am now totally in love with it. On an unrelated note, I bought Minecraft, and love that too. So, I guess I'll actually write something when I can.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Yes, another update

Just thought I'd post to let you know I haven't totally abandoned the blog, but I've been very busy settling in at university. As for what's to come, I've just started BioShock 2 so I'll probably write something about the BioShock series, and maybe merge that with some thoughts on Unreal. I'll also upload any work I can from my uni course. As for mapping, I've had very little time for it, and recently I've been lacking inspiration, despite some of the great work on Facepunch's map pimpage thread recently. I especially like antimonycat's work, it's a brilliant looking steampunk-esque map. I'll try and link some screens when I can. I may also make part 2 of my favourite Garry's Mod maps. Oh, and maybe something about Toybox. Lots to come then!

Friday 24 September 2010

Save the gaming world!

 Well, games are being picked on again. Click the link in the banner at the top of the page if you want to stop that.