Thoughts on level design in Source and gaming in general

Tuesday 31 August 2010

What I'm up to

I seem to veer wildly between mapper's block and a kind of brain explosion of hundreds of ideas. I have about 5 map ideas on the go at the moment, not to mention the Facepunch competition. My current focus is on my most completed map, gm_studio, based on a tv station. I'm so far on my third remake of the map, mainly because I tend to make one room, be satisfied with it, and then screw up with the sizes of the rest of the room. This time, I've layed out most of the floor plan to start with, and begun inserting props and less significant walls.
The map will contain several rooms, including a stage, a reception, a kitchen, a green room, bathrooms and a control room. I'll probably have to make a few custom textures, but I can live with that.

I'll update with other projects at some point. I really want to get back to my Saw project, which I'll post about soon.

Happy mapping!