Thoughts on level design in Source and gaming in general

Wednesday 1 September 2010

gm_studio progress


Well, I've made some progress on my TV studio map: the main layout brushwork is all done, except for a few ugly holes which need filling, but I haven't done yet because I find brushwork quite tedious. I've started putting props in, but several rooms are still totally bare. I've also been testing out a camera system, as you can see in the shot above: I plan to have about 3 cameras and screens in the final map, and while they are movable they tend to topple quite easily, so I'll have to look into that. The whole map still needs lighting, which is probably my least favourite part of mapping, but obviously necessary. I'm still in the process of deciding what I want to have on the stage: at the moment I'm thinking probably a desk in front of a greenscreen, but I'll also include several backdrops and make the desk movable so players can make their own sets.

Update: The map is now almost completely textured, all the brushwork is done. All that remains is to add lighting and cubemaps, and complete a few rooms. The end is in sight.